
Brian Hewitt started the company in January of 2004. He started by setting up in his house with a laptop computer and drafting board. Within one year he purchased computerized Drawings (AutoCAD) and hired a part time AutoCAD operator. Brian also hired Steven Keirn as a part-time Soil Scientist. Next, he hired Marc Hewitt to be his AutoCAD operator. In January of 2007 he purchased the TopCon Robotic Total Station, which provides extremely accurate test hole location, topography, and location of structures on the site. The Total Station is also used to provide final As-built drawings with unquestionable accuracy. In May of 2008 the company had expanded enough to move to its current location.


Brian L. Hewitt P.E.

Graduate of Oregon State University with a BSME in 1984 (Emphasis on Fluids & Heat Transfer). Registered Professional Engineer in WA and Oregon. Designed hundreds of On Site Septic systems throughout WA & Oregon. Many years working in the Industrial and Commercial markets with mechanical, Piping and Plumbing systems. Problem solving and Team building skills


Steven D, Keirn, CPSS (Consultant - Soil Scientist)

Over 25 years of Soil Investigation and Land Classification studies across western United States. Over 15 years as a Environmental Health Specialist, Soil Scientist dealing with applying soil evaluations to individual properties for a government agency. Other evaluation factors such as presence of environmental sensitive areas i.e. hydric soils, presence of unstable slopes, proposed property structures, etc.


Marc Hewitt

AutoCAD and Total Station operator